
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Beaded art Doll Competition

Deadline: 31.8.2013

One of my favorite competitions.

"Create a BEADED ART DOLL by manipulating beads and forms into an imaginative
tactile and visual 3-dimensional representation. And then write a Short Story
about your Beaded Art Doll, what it represents, and how it was created.
ALL DOLLED UP: BEADED ART DOLL COMPETITION is offering a first prize of a $1000.00!!!
shopping spree on the Land of Odds web-site (, and a Runner-Up
prize of a $400.00 shopping spree on the web-site. This is more than a beauty
pageant. It is a design competition. The Competition will take into account
the Artist’s intentions and how well these are incorporated into the design.
Enter to Win!..."