Cynthia Rutledge is one of my favorite artists.
"Cynthia is a contemporary artist and teacher focusing on beadwork as her medium. She specializes in peyote stitch and off-loom weaving techniques with an emphasis on developing sculptural unsupported shapes in beadwork. Her work has been exhibited in national and international shows and has appeared in Nicolette Stessin'sBeaded Amulet Purses, Carol Taylor's Creative Bead Jewelry, and Carol Wilcox Wells' Creative Bead Weaving: A Contemporary Guide to Classic Off-Loom Stitches..." (from her webside)
And what do you think about this coming soon retreat? 

Three of the leading artists Carol Wilcox-Wells, Laura McCabe and Melanie Potter join Cynthia at the Edna Valley Winery for a promising workshop, this summer. It must be the best retreat ever!! Don't you think?
I attended the Beads on the Vine retreat about 10 years ago and am still amazed at the influence Cynthia had on me and my creative life. She is absolutely one of my all-time favorite designers. Thanks for sharing!